Hiku said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
I was going to reply with my arguments but to be honest I think this discussion leads nowhere. If people think tlou2 is not a woke game and the story is good and it is a 10 game, its ok there is nothing wrong with it. praise democracy. Some people think different and that is also ok, at least for now.
I'd like to hear 1.) how its a woke game 2.) in a way that's bad. I don't know where some people draw the line at either of those things. Two female characters kissing was apparently crossing the line for some when that second trailer dropped. Also, it doesn't have to be one or the other. I don't think its a 10/10 game for example. Nowhere near as bad as I was lead to believe though.
I think it was fine until the ending. When you see the farm, and two characters discuss whether they should do a certain thing or not. I do not believe that either of those characters would behave that way. I don't think it was properly developed, and that's where the writing majorly falters imo.
But seeing comments suggesting that us white male people are in trouble over how we're portrayed through 'every villain in the game being a white male" (which wasn't true anyway) is pretty weird. I don't know what to say really.
Do you have the post where I said it? I'm not saying I didn't say it, it's just I want to understand the context when I said it or if maybe I was quoting someone.