Hiku said:
I didn't play Uncharted 3. So how did he deal with the brawlers? And was that a cutscene? You really fought them, a lot of dodging and them hitting critical hits. Similar to how you fight with Ellie against Abby or other larger enemies, similar to how you Nadine defeated you and all. By Jason Statham you mean Lazarovic in UC2? Didn't Nate use his gun to shoot blue crystals that exploded? Nope, one of the cohorts of Nate on UC3 was mocked on Jason Statham. He pretends to be an enemy and you two fight out until he defeats you and fake your death.
Yep it would be just to cheap to use a gun against Nadine since it was a one on one brawl. And as you said perhaps he never fought a specialist, I didn`t think of it at the time I played, I just felt strange that me and Sam couldn`t land a hit. I tend to think that the enemies you kill and how you kill them (since you can do it in various ways, or even avoid fighting at times) outside of story cutscenes isn't something that necessarily happened in the story. That way some scenarios can make more sense. That is true. When you have 100 enemies and you kill all as player and even if you take 10 bullets that isn`t a big issue, but on cutscene against one or two enemies a small bruise cripple you. But that to me is another part of badly written plot =p. When it comes to doing things like less sex appeal for characters, if it's done intentionally with a female character, one reason if probably because unattractive male characters are commonly accepted. A recent example is Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I count about 23 old/fat/unattractive/disfigured male characters. Yes I do agree that games in general have more attractive woman and is less concerned with putting ugly men, but also that have to do with the customer they want, most console game buyers are straight males so that makes sense. Just look for series made for woman and almost all male chars are handsome and few woman is pretty. That plays on the fantasy that they being below average can get someone a lot prettier. The oldest woman there appears to be the instructor Manuela. And yeah, this is what she looks like.
duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"
Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"
Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."