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Hiku said:
DonFerrari said:

With Abby I have 0 problem. But with nadine that is exactly the problem, Natan have killed whole armies, have beaten supernatural enemy but get schooled by Nadine even with the help of his brother and can't even touch her... I understand why that is done and can overcome it, it is something common in game to show the level of the challenge, but felt very unnatural (and not only because she was a woman that wasn't muscle head, because we know that most of the top fighters in our world aren't really that big on muscles).

I think since Nathan is the type of character that comes out of conflicts with entire armies alive, I don't really think about how much his battles make sense any more.
Though I think with Nadine they were presenting him with the challenge of a martial arts expert, which to my recollection Nate hasn't dealt with before. He usually solves his problems with guns. So when facing trained experts in hand to hand combat, Nate is like a fish out of the water. It reminded me of how James Bond started getting beat up in humiliating ways by Jaws, after always looking like the cool guy before that.

Besides Jason Stathan didn`t he also fought some big brawlers on UC3?

And as I said I found odd when I played against Nadine, but yes leaving alive after killing 100s of enemies single handedly already put any discussion about believable scenario in check anyway. But yes I could agree that perhaps one on one against a trained martial arts would be a very different challenge than all his other battles. Still that challenged the coherency in the story and caused strangeness, and probably that was the objective anyway to challenge what you believe about the char, anyway it didn`t took a single milesimal of my enjoyment and score for the game =p

But it is undeniable that ND have going for progressive ideas, with strong woman, less sex appeal on females chars, more inclusive of LGBTQI+, still as I said they have done it so far that it looks good on the story (the way some of their employees behave on social media is a bigger problem imho) and even when they pushed more of that into TLOU2 it doesn`t get to the point of breaking the story or looking not believable inside their world.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."