Hiku said:
You've brought up some interesting points before that may need to be addressed here. Such as if it's possible to have a proper dialogue if people are ok with accusing others of being 'sjw with a political agenda' but not being bigots for the exact same reason.
That said, when you make it sound like you are calling out someone specific in this thread for something, it's better if you specify who you're talking about, while being mindful of how you address them. You can refer to your earlier mixup of Don and Enrico as an example of why being specific helps. Or how Mummelman, whom you seemingly referred to with the last paragraph there, doesn't think you characterized what he said properly.
Well, there are also a lot of normally built women in our world who people would say don't look particularly female. Even when just considering the face. That's actually fairly normal I'd say. Especially when they don't wear makeup. Though Mummelman seems to be saying that this is a realistic look for a woman in that position. He's just questioning how she got there.
And regarding the research, I don't imagine most people have the same level of insight into female bodybuilding as Mummelman seems to have. If you did, where did you learn of it? Though I think he pointed out that there are women that can look as buff or buffer than Abby, but he claims they need to take extra substances. I don't know how true that statement is, but based on what I've played, it doesn't seem unreasonable that Abby did something like that.
Well think of it this way. The game is literally about a girl that has a 1 in several billion rare body, with the only known immunity to a global pandemic. I don't think people where particularly upset with how rare Ellie's body is. The height of the reactions were basically 'another rare immunity trope', but that didn't seem to ruin people's enjoyment.