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the-pi-guy said:
Mummelmann said:

You think that girl is clean? The video more or less proves his point, it's extremely hard for women to build significant mass in the upper body, especially shoulders and arms. I know a couple of dozen girls who look more or less like that, none of which have gone without chemical aid. Female powerlifters usually have great squat and deadlift numbers, but comparatively low benchpress numbers, this is due to the mentioned discrepancy in muscle mass of the upper body and bench not getting the same direct benefit from strong legs (besides the grounding when you arch). Heavier division lifters tend to be large overall, with a much greater percentage of body fat, as females are more prone to both gaining and retaining fat naturally. A large, muscular upper body with low fat and good vascularity is nigh on impossible, even most men have problems accomplishing this.

Edit; for further example, look at the differences in female lifters in the IPF, and then the WPC (the latter group is not tested, and it shows) and their overall body composition, especially the lower weight classes.

There are plenty of girls in the IPF that look just as buff as Abby is.  

Even in the game there aren't really any women that are as strong as Abby.  One strong woman in a universe isn't implausible.  

Zoombael said:

It would also provide a target for the twitter-PC-brigade.

"ND implies women can only have gains by cheating"


In games like God Of War, Diablo etc. this would be a non issue. But ND themselves set a bar for authenticity and realism.

Have they?

Uncharted: mythological gemstones, one guy killing off hundreds.

The Last of Us: one guy killing off hundreds of infected and humans.

There are two or three seraphites that are a lot bulkier than Abby, but they are also a lot taller and endomorph (Abby also is endo).

And actually despise her body being unnatractive for me it isn't that out of proportion or big. She have a little less mass and definition than me even before I resumed gym (and before that I only done like twice for 6 month). I know plenty woman in the gym that are bigger than her and probably don't do any hormone or drugs.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."