Immersiveunreality said:
JRPGfan said:
In Austria they have a town called Ischgl. They anti body tested the entire town, and found 42,4% had anti bodies. Out of these, only 15,5% bothered to get tested before (100% / 15,5% = ~6,5x).
This gives you a "general" idea of how high potentially the spread could be compaired to confirmed cases. So in the USA there is likely less than 20m infected, if the virus there is acting like the one in austria did. Going by the 6,5x factor, that means ~16m infected. Which is still aton more than the confirmed cases show (2,5m).
(~127k / 16m = 0.79 IFR)
d) Yeah partial defense, but you'll probably still see people getting bed ridden for a week or so, and some dieing again. Virus mutating and starting a new spread would be bad.
e) Lmao :D Shipping everyone in the US over 60 to greenland. You would need to bring materials to build temporary houseing then.
That is almost a certainty yes.
The "good" news is if potentially 16m-20m in the US has been infected already, you guys just need another 232m or so,
to reach herd immunity (70%+).
And the virus will just magically go away, as trump would say.
Do I need sarcasm tags? stupid virus... it's easy to forget its still in the early phases of it (~5% of population has had it),
when it feels like its been here forever already.
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 June 2020