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sethnintendo said:
JRPGfan said:

CDC are saying US could have over 300,000 deaths due to the virus before years end.
ei. the next 6months+ will likely cost like 175,000 more people their life in the US.

Also you didn't factor in that ;
a) Not everyone that gets covid19, and recovers actually has meaningfull antibodies afterwards (95% do, but 5% seem not too).
b) Some with very mild cases only have immunity for like 2months time.
c) Also scientists say 70%+ of population might need to be infected before herd immunity is achieved.
*d) New strain of Covid19 (d614g mutation), mutated so much, antibodies from earlier infection, doesnt help any (as people in china are finding out).

Herd immunity takes time, it wont come in another 6 months time (imo).
Also you'll likely run into people that have had it, recovered, lost their antibodies in the meantime, and need to get re-infected with it again.

Imagine building up herd immunity to covid19, by just letting it spread... and then the virus mutates so your "herd immunity" doesnt do anything against it. In China they actually have a differnt strain than the ones in europe/us, and found that people who had their version, arnt immune towards ours.

a) your body can have b and t cells that fight virus instead of just antibodies

b) scientist still don't know everything about immune response

c) virus is obviously transmitting at fast pace if over 20 million or more might have already been infected in USA

d) even if it mutated your immune system would still have partial defense.  Isn't that what they always say about flu shots they get wrong every year?  It might not match the top strains for year but if you do get the flu supposedly the effects are less or so they say

e) I was just bsing around but what should have happened perhaps instead of nation wide lockdowns is we should have just let young people spread it among themselves and shipped all the old people to Antarctica or Greenland if pesky Denmark would have sold it to us


In Austria they have a town called Ischgl.
They anti body tested the entire town, and found 42,4% had anti bodies.
Out of these, only 15,5% bothered to get tested before  (100% / 15,5% = ~6,5x).

This gives you a "general" idea of how high potentially the spread could be compaired to confirmed cases.
So in the USA there is likely less than 20m infected, if the virus there is acting like the one in austria did.
Going by the 6,5x factor, that means ~16m infected. Which is still aton more than the confirmed cases show (2,5m).

(~127k / 16m = 0.79 IFR)

d)  Yeah partial defense, but you'll probably still see people getting bed ridden for a week or so, and some dieing again. Virus mutating and starting a new spread would be bad.

e) Lmao :D
Shipping everyone in the US over 60 to greenland. You would need to bring materials to build temporary houseing then.