While most of the world is still struggling to stop the spread, lets not forget the places that are having success. Oceania, despite some unfortunate imported cases in New Zealand and a recent death in Australia, still doing great. Europe has been declining again since the 19th, down to 13K new cases per day.
3-day average reported cases
Sweden is lagging behind since Worldometer now uses Sweden's method to update cases up to a week back, not that it makes it any more stable.
Ireland disappeared off the bottom last week, well done.
All on the graph (except Sweden) are making progress, just one to look out for in Europe, Ukraine is still growing, now over 800 cases per day.
7-day average reported deaths
Spain updated with the data they gave, bit suspicious the way Spain left France and Italy.
All are trending down and 5 already reached the bottom.
Canada is also still doing well
Ontario seems to stall a bit again, mobility has gone up so as long as cases don't go back up it's still positive.
Phase 2 re-openings are underway.