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sundin13 said:
Dulfite said:

There difference is significant. Were there large quantities of Nazis that hated the persecution of Jews? If so that would be interesting to note and study.

With the Civil War here in America, there were a lot of Southerners who either couldn't afford slaves and didn't care about it or were against it, and there were likewise Northerners who were supportive of the notion that whites are superior. But none of them wanted people from another part of the country that had a totally different lifestyle to come barging in making demands. The fact that the south lost and slavery ended (which was a great thing to end, slavery was and is terrible!) Had unintended consequences. Back then the states more or less handled their own stuff and stayed out of each other's business by comparison to today, and look where that has got us?

Liberal states HATE when a conservative federal government takes over and imposes laws that condemn homosexuality, transgenderism, promote the second amendment, and support the rights of the unborn from being brutally murdered without their consent.

Conservative states HATE when a liberal federal government takes over and imposes laws that promote homosexuality, encourage transgenderism, limits or tries to eliminate 2nd amendment, and supports the right of the mother to end the life of the baby without the baby's consent.

If we had the old system still in place, every state would be doing what it thought was right (outside of slavery) and people would probably be a lot more content with minding their own business. Instead, we always have a federal government that is ticking off the population because either half the country is disenfranchised or, in the case of split governments like Obama had most of his Presidency, nothing gets done and that also ticks people off. We are just angry all the time now and the solution, in my mind, is to let the East and West coast liberal states do what they want and the conservative south and Midwest states to do what they want and for the Rust belt states to keep not knowing what they want. Then everyone minds there own business exception international issues and we all are more content.

We are 50 nation's joined together, not 1. We are only 1 nation, and should be, for trade, alliances, and for when we need to go knock sense into people who mess with us.

A federal government which allows states to decide on issues of human rights is a federal government which has failed to protect its people from oppression and discrimination. If the "conservative south" wants to discriminate against people based on the color of their skin, their sexual preference or their gender identity, kindly fuck what the "conservative south" wants. This isn't a solution, it is cowardice.

Well certainly if it was that widespread, but I'm in one of those conservative Midwestern states, I see black people all around, and I talk to them kindly and they talk to me kindly and they participate in things just like I do. They don't have separate restaraunts, places of work, bathrooms. We exist and function in the same society. Obviously there are racists still out there, but it isn't like it was in the 1900's or earlier. It has improved significantly from slavery and it will continue to do so over time.

Is it any different than how conservative states view liberal ones when it comes to human rights. I could say people that are okay with pre birth murder of a human being should be regulated by the federal government because that is a human rights issue. That is just as much of a human rights atrocity to me as slavery is. We have condoned mass murder for decades now as lawful because to let the baby live would inconvenience someone who didn't mean to get pregnant or changed her mind. Life is more important than convenience.