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JRPGfan said:

And how many times has MajorNelson lied about stuff?

Hes a PR guy that probably doesnt even know the inner workings of the deal or the outcome,
and just says whatever he thinks people wants to hear, as part of his PR job.

I bet you facebook or facebook gameing in some way shape or form, shows up on xbox.
Otherwise it doesnt make sense, unless MS is handing over bags and bags of money to facebook for it.
(which again could effect gamepass and its price)

Its more likely since they call it a partner ship that access to each others platforms, goes both ways.
So they both can temp people into useing their services from both sides.

Maybe Nelson is just useing word trickery.
Maybe the "current" implimentation changes, and in the new changed way, it has it.

You clearly have a pre determined narrative. Even when there is evidence to the contrary you can’t just be like “Nuh Uh”. It isn’t even a vague statement. He confirmed Facebook won’t take your info nor will the Mixer tab be replaced by Facebook. Of course you will have some kind of option to link between the two, but it won’t be mandatory. Xbox has been all about choice these last few years and going forward. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 24 June 2020

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