Dante9 said:
It's overwhelmingly about the narrative. Even if every character in the game were just plain ol' heterosexuals and there were no political agendas whatsoever to be found, the way the beloved characters are treated is just massively disappointing and off-putting, especially after seven years of waiting. The whole dynamic that made the first game so well liked is completely obliterated in the sequel. It's weird, like either Druckmann doesn't understand what made the first game tick, or that he somehow became so overwhelmed by having to improve upon the former perfection that he imploded and found no other recourse than to deconstruct the whole thing. Like he knew he couldn't top what he had done before, so he decided to piss in the pool before the fans got to it first. Maybe the Last of Us is one of those things that should have been a one-off, no sequels needed. |
I have been talking to several people about it and while I agree we should not have a sequel, it's actually a very good setting to have a prequel, since 20 years have passed in that world. Tess is such an amazing character and we can sense in the first game they have been through a lot to survive and probably had a relationship at some point. Would be interesting to see how was that world only 2-5 years after the breakdown for example.
ANyway.. what's done is done.