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Hynad said:
Dante9 said:
You'd have to be blind not to see that ND's storytelling has suffered because of their agenda and the things they have to crowbar in there no matter what. Most gamers don't have a problem with minorities in games, but there's a wrong way and a right way to do these things. These characters need to be introduced organically within the story, but the story needs to be the main focus, not the individual traits of a given minority character.
Actually, the first TLOU was a good example of how to do it right. Bill happened to be gay, but we learned that naturally during the story, getting to know him like we would anyone else. Just "Oh, he's gay. Okay." It was just a part of Bill that we learned about along the way, it was not this big presentation and song and dance. It was not a selling point for the game beforehand, like "look, we have a gay here, aren't we stunning and brave?" "Buy this game, because we have gay this and trans that and whatnot." "Oh, there's a story too, but have you seen the gay?". The ironic thing is, it seems that most members of minorities would like to be represented like Bill was, rather than be the center of attention and used as a tool to lecture the gaming community with. How is that normalizing? It's not, it's virtue signaling and it just creates more resentment towards these groups that don't need any more resentment in their lives and mostly didn't ask to be used in this way. They just want to play good games like the rest of us and occasionally see characters like themselves without a huge show bein made about it. Just occurring normally. These companies do this for their own benefit, make no mistake, and they don't understand they are doing more harm than good. It's just stupid.
And this thing about Neil Druckmann and his physically overpowering female characters.. It almost feels like a personal fetish of his at this point, don't you think? Like Tarantino and his foot fetish. Just saying.. :)

How do you feel about the Uncharted series showing Elena and Nate having romantic moments and kissing throughout the series? Are Naughty Dog pushing an agenda there as well?

Hm. Although he explained it quite comprehensively you burried his point in a pile of ignorance.

Tlou has two good examples. Ellies "coming out" is no secret. Does it needs to be mentioned to further make a point? I don't know. Would it matter?

As normal as Bill being portrait as a gay man, so was Ellies character development. As "normal" as Nates and Elenas relationship was portrait. Nobody cared. There was no huge hubbub. In Cyberpunk 2077 there will be gay/trans player characters. Again, nobody seem to mind. One reason could be a futuristic cyberpunk society where body augmentation is practically buying gum from a vending machine, authentically going hand in hand with cyberpunk philosophy. It is another text book example of how it's done correctly. And it appears the hype for the game is still through the roof. For now. Do you think it will get review bombed to oblivion as well? It certainly will if we to believe the reason why Tlou2 gets so much flack by the fan base and gamer community is homo-/transsexuality.

Not that i expect an answer. But i'd like to know: How many heterosexual relationships in videogames and heterosexuality in general as a main focal point can you name? Of how many video game characters sexual orientation do you know of? What's the sexual orientation of Claire Redfield for example. Are Link and Zelda a couple? I don't know. I don't care. It never have seemed to be important. But not any more it doesn't not. Now it matters how mucho heterosexual video games are.

Hunting Season is done...