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Thanks for the responses, advice, and encouragement everyone, sorry to go all DairyChartz on you, I should know better by now than to post when I'm feeling down but I guess that's one aspect of what I mean when I say I don't feel like I've matured, despite my best efforts I'm still quite impulsive and have trouble controlling my emotions. I all too often say or post things in an outburst of anger, sadness, or excitement instead of thinking it through.

Feeling a bit better today though.

mysteryman said:
Do you have family/friends with children?

If raising you own full time isn't an option, it can be very fulfilling to be involved in the development of those close to you.

I actually work with kids as a career, I'm a mentor for children with autism. In that capacity I work in both classrooms and support groups as well as on camps, events, and such. And it is indeed very rewarding. I guess I just still have that biological urge to pass my genes on.