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DonFerrari said:
jardesonbarbosa said:
I don't agree with that. They just were never that good to begin with in terms of storytelling. I actually don't understand how people can say Uncharted 1-3 are perfect, but 4 sucks, and worst of all, citing Nadine as one of the problems. Because she beats up pretty boy Nathan? That's the biggest problem with that game? That's BS. That whole game is a trainwreck. I think people only started picking flaws on ND games because the games introduced things those people don't want to see (like minorities). Let's be honest, Uncharted 2 was not that good. The story was stupid and the game itself, while polished, was a basic third person cover/shooter, the only reason people are complaing now, is because the games are not pandering to them anymore.

Please see the recomendation to talk ND games not things tangent to it.

EnricoPallazzo said:

Not saying that it explains the difference because it does not, but around 3k reviews were already made to the game giving it a 5 prior to release, because it seems you can review the game as soon as you start the pre-download. I may be wrong though.

And how would you compare to 40k reviews being with majority being 0 on metacritic put less than a day after the release of the game?

As I said, those 3k before the game released does not explain the difference, of course, just that on psn the game also has probably a grade that its higher than it should be at this moment. We will se when more people review it.

As for the 40k reviews on metacritic (I believe already 10k were already erased) its just a bunch of people with too much time in their hands. Giving anything below 5 for this game makes absolutely no sense. From a technical point of view it is a masterpiece and this alone would guarantee at least a 6.

But considering this is a story driven game and in my opinion, along with many others, the story is absolutely terrible, plus the misleading marketing and etc I can understand people giving it a 5-7. 

Below this is pure nonsense or just kids with too much time in their hands.

By the way, believe me the hate is guided mostly to the story, not gender politics. Other games with different genders including left behind are pretty aligned between critics and players on metacritic.