Xxain said:
pikashoe said: Ok this game just completely falls apart narratvely, there wasn't enough story to fill this 25 hour long game. The story isn't even that interesting just a run of the mill revenge plot with the message that revenge is bad in end, this could have been ok if it was well told but it's not. the original game had a basic plot but it worked so well because it was really well told with fleshed out and relatable characters. There really aren't many shocks or surprises in this new story it's all very predictable. A huge issue they have is attempting to redeem Abby's character. This could have worked if they changed some things but as is cannot work. The issue isn't that Abby kills Joel, she has motive to do so, it is the circumstances surrounding this that cause issue. First Joel saves her life, this instantly turns the audience against her because she is given a good reason here to doubt herself but doesn't. She never second guess what she is about to do to Joel here which makes it difficult to root for her in future. If she seemed conflicted here it would have given us something. Second is the way she revels in brutally torturing Joel. This is in stark contrast with Ellie who when she tortures and kills a person is completely horrified with what she has done. We are never given this with Abby, she never at any point shows any remorse for what she did. This just makes her come across as sadistic. Third she does this with Ellie crying and screaming for her to stop and she does it right in front of her. This just makes no sense at this point she doesn't know or dislike Ellie why would she do this with her watching? A better way to do this would be to have Ellie's reaction cause her to second guess herself, show us hints that this person isn't just a monstrous psychopath. The big issue is that Abby is just poorly written. Along with most of the new characters being very under written. All that being said there are still a lot of things to like in this game. The gameplay is mostly good, it looks and sounds gorgeous, there are still some good character moments. There are some great set pieces in the game particularly in the second half. The game also does a great job at building tension. The conflict between the scars and wlf is interesting and the scars themselves are really interesting to go up against. |
I disagree with this. Abby has been bent on revenge for a looooong time. Your idea only works if it is a spontaneous idea or something that is in heavy confliction. Neither of those is case, Abby wants Joel dead at all cost. When you have growing that revenge for that long and have finally the opportunity of course she'd snap, of course she'd be unremorseful. That is what Abby is to suppose to represent. What happens when revenge consumes you.
None what you said goes against what I said. She is still irredeemable after that point. Nothing they do can ever make her likable after that point.
The game even proves what you say wrong, Ellie is hell bent on revenge, but we still see her show regret, remorse, conflict and horror at the things she has done.