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Runa216 said:
It's threads like these that get me banned from places like this, becuase it's so very hard to not just come in here and rant about how terrible some people are for having clearly gross and frankly abhorrent beliefs.

An opinion is that Marvel is better than DC.
A political view is that it's important to offer social services to less fortunate people at the cost of higher taxes.

But this? this thread and the critique lobbed at naughty Dog for their inclusion in The Last of Us part II? That's just thinly veiled bigotry and intolerance. If the lot of you could accept that this isn't about politics but your own discomfort with having something you disagree with given more representation, we'd make a whole lot more progress on the matter. If you could accept that inclusion is not an agenda and it's not being 'shoved in your face' and that it's just another means to express art and write stories with more nuanced characters, then we could actually move forward and maybe understand wHY you feel that way.

But as long as people are convinced that any inclusion of black, female, lesbian, transgender, or any other minorities is just a political agenda (or keep pushing that narrative), we'll never be able to have a discussion about it. Gay people exist. Transgender people exist. Minorities exist. If more pieces of media include them, it's just a matter of adjusting to the reality of the world around us. STOP ACTING LIKE INCLUSION IS EXCLUSION. It's not the same thing. Inclusion is something that should be normalized, not ostracized; the more regressive people get about it, the worse things are going to get.

So hurry up and come to terms with the reality that some people are just bigots. This isn't a hill worth dying on, inclusion is not done at the expense of you weak-minded white males, and that having non-traditional heroes and characters isn't an affront to your snowflake sensibilities.

I shouldn't have to repeat this to a bunch of adults. You're not 12 years old anymore and you shouldn't be shriveling up at the thought of some transgender or lesbian person being in a major blockbuster game just becuase you're not comfortable with homosexuality or transgenderism. Grow up, seriously. Oh, and don't even bother trying to justify it with some bullshit excuse about how 'oh but they went too far' or conjuring up some other justification for your ignorance. It's no different than hypermasculine, heteronormative media, it's just on the other side of the spectrum and that scares you for whatever childish reason.

Your failure to understand why people complain about the way those minorities are introduced in the game, although people in forums like this try to explain time and time again, is a huge part of the problem why we can't have discussions like this. It's like trying to explain something for a, well... 12 year old.