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DonFerrari said:
Immersiveunreality said:

And the political build up left and right because of the leaks did not do any good either,will give you some people thinking the game is a gift from god and others thinking it is pure hellspawn. Extreme dualism and no inbetweens allowed ! :p

That is actually good for the game since it gained a lot more exposition, sales will likely be even higher.

I do not know,negative attention is not good for a company's image in the long run even when it gives boost in sales on a product imo.

Ofcourse our perception is vastly different from that of most more casual gamers that do not browse the internet as frequently as we do,i'm curious and hope a good amount of people will enjoy it.

I have seen a good chunk of playthrough already and i do think there is room for a healthy discussion when more have finished the game.