JRPGfan said: update: Stupid virus..... wish it would just go away. |
Germany added 1122 cases yesterday according to worldometer, it's time for Mette to ban Germans entering Denmark!
SvennoJ said: With these recommendations I'm not sure whether it will be safe to send our kids back to school in September. |
We still don't know if face masks work, compare denmark, Norway and Finland to germany, they are mandating face masks in Germany while in the other scandinavian countries they are not mandating or recommending. I think Denmark, Norway and Finland has much better cases/capita than germany, although I read some stuff that Finland cheats (no indoor restaurants/bars) but germany cheats too, face masks mandated in churches and no singing.
Finland, Denmark and Norway are also sending their kids to school, it's totally safe.
crissindahouse said: I still think Sweden did horrible and it won't change if numbers won't increase too much in other neighboring countries. I mean: Sweden 499 deaths per 1m population "neighboring" countries: Norway 45 Finland 59 Denmark 103 Germany 106 Poland 34 Estonia 5 |
Well things has not gone as good they were suppose too, Stockholm were suppose to achieve herd-immunity in May and things were suppose to go back fully to normal this month according to Johan Giesecke our former virus dude.
But according to Tove Fall who is a scientist (molecular epidemiology) here in Sweden most of our scientists are happy what we have done according to this tweet (note Tove Fall is a critic of our strategy):
2 days old tweet, but I'm unsure of our immunity, we had a big test around beginning of May showing 10% in stockholm region had immunity and 5% had the virus, they tested 8k people in week 18 (may 27 - June 3). They estimated 15% had been infected on may 15.
https://www.dn.se/sthlm/studie-15-procent-av-arbetande-stockholmare-smittade-av-coronaviruset/ (swedish only)
Our own government estimated that 26% would be infected on May 1 but this was based on calibrated PCR tests where it only tested positive during the first 5 day of infection. They did 2 tests showing around 2-2.5% in stockholm region got infected per week.
But now another antibody test was released, yesterday or 2 days ago showing 14% in stockholm region had antibodies.
As I wrote in a previous post, our finance minister said our courage level is at 90% and today she held another press conference saying things are looking more positive, we will have -6% gdp and 9% unemployment this year, this from her previous forecast of -7% gdp and 10% unemployment. I myself think we will only take a -3% gdp hit but depends on other countires, they must not do another lockdown.
And combined this with falling daily reported deaths, things are just looking very good here in Sweden, ofc if you compare our numbers to other countries, maybe not so much.
SvennoJ said:
Your graph just looks great to me, feels like we Swedes are like barbarians, just charging right at the virus with no face masks :) nah we are just doing more testing, 20k in beginning of april and 60k last week. You can see for Stockholm county in beginning of June, the computer glitch adding 1.5k cases in Stockholm. It was hiding ~50-100 cases a day I think.
It's because of the increase of testing I think the virus will be almost gone/eliminated in sweden next month, people who get sick will just test themself and if they positive for the virus, they will just isolate themself.
Last edited by Trumpstyle - on 18 June 20206x master league achiever in starcraft2
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