Ka-pi96 said: Well there is the cultural aspect of not wanting to cause issues for others. Some would probably argue the shared cleaning by kids in schools would contribute too, but to me personally as a Brit I just see that as saying "we're too poor to afford a cleaner" To be honest parents are probably the biggest influence. I assume a lot of people who litter had parents who also littered. While my family looked at people who threw their trash on the street with derision and now I do too. |
It used to be common to empty car ashtrays on the road in parking lots. Luckily far less people smoke now. A couple years ago I cleaned up the park here, picking up cigarette butts for hours. I also found condemns and even a needle. Nice to know what your kids play in. One thing that seems to work is to keep areas clean often, the cleaner it is the less people throw their stuff on the ground. Garbage attracts more garbage.
I haven't been picking up stuff this year though, unsure about the risk of covid19 on trash. It should be safe now again, the wave has mostly passed. Plus the park has been closed all this time, also helps with the littering :)
People are just so lazy, there are multiple garbage cans around that get emptied often, but it's 100 steps to put it in the garbage instead of chucking it in the bushes. It's a shame. You don't notice it so much with everything growing fast in spring covering the trash. By fall all the mess pops up again.