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burninmylight said:
curl-6 said:

Xbox won't ever have a monopoly though because of Playstation. As long as they compete, neither will be able to get away with doing whatever they want, because they'll have to try to appeal to the consumer more than the other guy. 

If Xbox disappeared, and Playstation was the only game in town for dedicated console gaming, there would be nothing stopping them from pulling all kinds of anti-consumer nastiness, because consumers wouldn't have an alternative.

As such, I think it's important for the industry that MS continues to make Xbox hardware. None of them should go third party in my opinion.

We've seen every single one of the Big 3 get too big for their britches after a successful gen, and then get humbled into going back to being more customer and/or dev friendly. I used to think that MS has no place in the market either, but that's changed. In addition to pushing forward tech and online services, it keeps Sony in check like you said.

If Sony and MS didn't have to keep their eyes on each other, then a Stadia-like console would already exist from one of them. We almost got a similar thing with the original vision of the Xbone.

This is true from a competitive standpoint, but Microsoft has always pushed Sony to push features and online with little else. Sony has got Microsoft stuck on the most important thing which are games. They have them so stuck that they built their largest studio right next to Sony so they can keep tabs on their talent crop. Thats the difference.