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DonFerrari said:
JEMC said:

Sorry, I'm still trying to find what's wrong with Soundwave's comment, to be honest.

Will the SoC powering the new consoles use more power than the ones in past generations? Yes. Will that mean that it will generate more heat? Also yes (more power used = more heat produced). Have consoles got bigger to fit a better cooling system to take care of that heat so it doesn't become a problem for the console? Also yes.

Also yes, the new Intel processors have a problem. They use a lot of power and get very, very hot. That's why they need a much better cooler than the competition. A cooler that works just fine with a Ryzen 3000 will strugle to keep an Intel cool. You need either a CLC unit or a much bigger air cooler.

We haven't even seem the PS5 disassembled. In the case of the XSX the size is in function of the size of the chips themselves, at most the vapor chamber made the console a little more fat.

And the wrong is on the "problem". Again if you have a design that meets the requirements and don't fail or anything similar than that isn't a problem it is a condition of your design.

It would be like saying PS4 or X1 have a problem with electrical draw power because they consume a lot more than Switch, that wouldn't be true. Switch may by design use components that draw less electrical power, but if both PS4 and Xbox are designed for a different condition that needs more power that isn't a problem. The noise on PS4 can be said to be a problem since their cooling solution wasn't as well made as Xbox so to keep the console cool it became noisy, but still it didn't had a thermal problem. The only cases we heard of PS4 overheating (and got a lot of fear mongering here) was a demo console closed in an glass dome with very little ventilation.

I feel like we're walking in circles and mixing  terms.

Again, the consoles don't have a problem with heat because they've been designed to take care of it. The ones that has a problem is AMD, that males power (electricity) hungry GPUs that produce more heat. Had AMD been able to make chips that use less power (electricity), the consoles could use smaller cooling systems.

Let's not fools ourseles here, the bigger a console is, the more expensive it is. It needs more materials to be made, the package needs to be bigger and therefore is also more expensive and the bigger the package is, the less units can be transported in a shipping container, truck or van. And given that Optical Disc Drive are the same size as before and that they don't have bulky HDDs, if they've gone bigger instead of smaller is because they have a bigger cooling system. That is not a problem, is a consequence of the problem (from AMD).

And consoles are designed with a power/performance in mind, and they pick the components available to reach that desired performance. The power/electricity that such system consumes is a consequence of that, and it needs to be taken care of

So once again, we reach the same conclusion as before: the consoles don't have a problem with heat. It's a side effect, one they've taken care of with bigger and better cooling systems that make the consoles bigger, of going with AMD, that is the one that has problems with heat.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.