The shift in the virus spreading in Europe is getting more pronounced day by day.
Current top 10 daily reported cases
1. Russia 8824 (56%) flat
2. UK 1410 (9.0%) declining
3. Belarus 725 (4.6%) declining
4. Ukraine 708 (4.5%) rapid growth
5. France 559 (3.6%) flat
6. Spain 442 (2.8%) slight growth
7. Poland 391 (2.5%) flat over all
8. Moldova 379 (2.4%) rapid growth
9. Italy 296 (1.9%) flat
10. Portugal 287 (1.8%) flat
Overall Europe is still in slight decline, 93% week over week change.
Sweden might creep up there, they reported 180 cases so far but it seems to keep changing the next day.
1251 cases June 12th, 180 June 13th.
I wonder what's going on in Poland, they're basically stuck around the same numbers since early April. Looking at Poland's mobility report it seems the same as Sweden, doing enough to stop growing, not enough to start declining.