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Although it's not a strength of Nintendo to offer options (besides controller), I would very appreciate if we could get a lot more extra power in TV Mode ("powered dock"). I would pay 200 $ or more for that. I really like the idea to play the same game on the go with the same save file, but when I play at home on the TV (which is in 90 % the case) then I want to have a good experience. More RAM is necessary to run third party games like Rocket League properly, because third parties don't optimize that much. Loading screens are annoying and not really acceptable for a console which uses flash memory. Though, the successor should be backward compatible (game cards).

And we really need analog shoulder buttons as a standard.

I don't need 4K, Ray Tracing or other graphic stuff, just performance and 60fps in every game. But I think 4K in TV mode and 1080p in portable mode would be the next obvious step. I really think we will see a Switch 2 as successor instead of a true home console. I'm fine with that.