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First of all sorry for resurrecting this dead thread, there are two reason

firstly i don't like to create new thread it create junks... and secondly sometime its good to look back and evaluate wot you said in the past and i don't mind being corrected.. but i thought after like 3 months that Sony management is indeed NOT sleeping...

They indeed went into a little quiet period and now after three months i have a lot better view abt them.. and they have improved a lot... so let me recount wot has made me change my view..

recently there was a news from one of the Sony manager that they will now not talk abt new products till they are not near to completion/release... and i think the slow activity period was due to that... and didn't want to talk abt until they don't have anything concrete and i think its the right decision.

secondly i see them putting lot of effort on the gaming again.. there are new RPG's announcement three or four within last month... they have announced few casual games and i see them putting lot of effort on PSN also... which is nice..

Then they recently said that they give lot of importance to third party developers and won't mind to reconsider their policy of not paying for exclusivity... and i see them getting some exlcusives from X360 like BioShock and Scared 2... which is indeed very encouraging..

Then they r atleast not making stupid claims and trying to be within themselves most of the time... i mean their 2008-09 estimates are also very conservative which i think is better then being revising down the estimates and they r trying hard to slash the manufacturing cost also...

But there r still few areas where i totally don't get them...

first is why no 80GB stock in abundance everywhere..?? come on it sells better and people want BC... so why not give it to them... and WHERE IS THE MGS4 BUNDLE...

Advertisement have improved a little but it is still too little and still have room for improvement..

and lastly i feel they r not innovating a lot... i mean like ninetendo release Wiifit... something new and innovative they definitely will make a replica of it... maybe a better replica of it but won't have the originality.. so i like to see them innovate a little... but i think its not very important thing....

So how u think ... has the things look a bit change to u at SCE head quarters..?