Tracing the start of the pandemic
Satellite images of hospital parking lots in Wuhan as well as internet search trends, show the coronavirus may have been spreading in China as early as last August, according to a new study from Harvard Medical School.
Researchers saw "a steep increase in volume starting in August 2019 and culminating with a peak in December 2019," Using images from October 2018, the researchers counted 171 cars in the parking lots at one of Wuhan's largest hospitals, Tianyou Hospital. Satellite data a year later showed 285 vehicles in the same lots, an increase of 67%, and as much as a 90% increase in traffic during the same time period at other Wuhan hospitals.
"Individual hospitals have days of high relative volume in both fall and winter 2019. However, between September and October 2019, five of the six hospitals show their highest relative daily volume of the analyzed series, coinciding with elevated levels of Baidu search queries for the terms 'diarrhea' and 'cough',".
"The data is actually especially compelling because we saw increases in people searching for gastrointestinal disease -- diarrhea -- which were increasing at a level that we hadn't seen at all, historically, and we now know now that gastrointestinal symptoms are a really important marker for COVID,". "A huge percentage of people that actually end up testing positive in Wuhan actually had presented symptoms of diarrhea."
This ties in to military athletes getting sick during the Wuhan military games end of October and possibly bringing it back as early as November. The virus has possibly slowly been spreading, undetected since then. On a reality show my wife was watching last night, one person (American) said they were in the hospital for over a month, in an induced coma on a respirator at the end of December. But they told her it was just the flu and she never got tested.
What this could mean is that Sars-Cov-2 actually spreads slower naturally than so far assumed, since when you start testing you find a lot of older ongoing cases. It has also been shown that covid19 can last a long time in people even with mild to no symptoms. (Has that women in Italy finally tested negative, fine and in quarantine for over 2 months)
Europe, North America, infected early from military athletes bringing it back in November. They showed (perhaps false) fast growth when testing started in March. Other continents, infected later, testing caught up earlier, show slower growth, Africa being the slowest.
This would be good news (lower R0) since it will be easier to keep Rt under 1 and also explains why countries like Sweden aren't exploding with minimal measures. Total lock down is not necessary, yet a little bit more than Sweden is doing. And of course still more in very densely populated areas with people working on top of each other. Stay safe, stay outside if you go anywhere.
For indoor spaces, central air should get strong UV-C light 'filters' to make sure no virus particles can be circulated around in the building. They already use UV light systems for pools. It also exists already for central air
I wonder how effective or powerful a unit like that is though
A short-wave spectrum called UV-C is much more dangerous to all genetic material. It’s a germicide, which means it can kill up to 99.99 per cent of bacteria and viruses. The UV-C emitted by the sun is stopped by the ozone layer, so we aren’t directly exposed to it. That’s a good thing because our fragile skin and eyes couldn’t handle it. When produced artificially, UV-C breaks up the genetic material of the pathogens floating in air or water and sticking to surfaces so that they cannot function or reproduce.
Tha does not sound compatible with a do it yourself installation which states check if the light bulb glows blue...