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I think what we have to ask ourselves here is what the purpose of realistic graphics and speed are when it comes to gaming hardware. The answer in both cases is immersion. Graphical realism can make a gaming experience feel a little more like life. On the other hand, things like loading screens and lag and so forth take you out of that immersion and remind you that you're just playing a game. Let's not kid ourselves: the functional, noticeable differences between the tech in the Series X and that in the PlayStation 5 will likely be relatively small in the eyes of the average consumer. The question then becomes which difference is more significant, more noticeable to the average consumer...and the average AAA developer: the graphical difference that the Series X might offer or the speed difference that the PlayStation 5 could offer. "Developer Matt" seems to feel that it's the latter, which is what it looks like on paper to me. But we'll see!