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I understand that some people loves Nintendo franchises due to nostalgia and feel underwhelmed by the fact you need to pay hundreds of dollars in a console to play them along with a bunch of other games you don't give a damn

From a consumers perspective stand point it's really a nightmare, specially if you want 2-3 Nintendo Games and don't like the more casual direction of many Nintendo games since Wii. I suffered this on my 3DS, I barely played it besides the franchises I true liked

However not everyone shares this nuisance. I actually think that most people feel contemplated with the hardware and library of Nintendo consoles. Nintendo is a huge company and they bring something fresh to the industry, if they leave hardware market competition and buying options will decrease. The entry barrier for this market is huge and I don't see any company interested in filling the vacuum left by Nintendo

So it's better they don't go third party anytime soon