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An anecdotal report of my bike ride today. I headed North today along the Grand River to Kitchener. Never before in my 18 years here, have I seen so many people on the trail to Cambridge and further. I actually abandoned the trail for a bit and went to cycle on highway 24 parallel to the trail to have some breathing room and not have to worry about people staring into their phone drunkenly walking in the middle lol.

Parking lots along the river were packed beyond capacity. They're not very big so it remains in the hundreds of people that were out along that stretch, but compared to the normal couple dozen for a beautiful day like today, mad increase. Even on the washed out, non maintained section of trail in Kitchener, normally 1 or 2 people, today over 30.

I guess it's still the safest thing to do and at least people are getting more healthy! (Unless the ones out usually all hang out in the gym lol)

Such a big contrast to when I arrived in Canada in 2002. Back then I still regularly got shouted at while cycling "get off the road" etc. I was afraid to cycle on busy roads (stayed on the gravel shoulder instead), had a couple near misses from cars passing too close, actually got hit once by someones arm sticking out of the window... Over the years more cyclists appeared, more bike lanes followed, better awareness, "share the road" signs popped up everywhere. Now with the pandemic the popularity of cycling seems to have increased a lot further.

Sadly the 23rd Tour the Grand that has been gaining popularity has been cancelled this year
We regret to inform you that the 2020 Cambridge Tour de Grand has been cancelled due to the CoVid – 19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. The safety and health of our riders and volunteers is our most important priority. Based on public health directives to avoid gatherings of more than 50 persons, and with the uncertainty as to the end of the pandemic, the decision was made to cancel the Tour for this year.
It was scheduled for next Sunday. I rather ride alone but often cross / share the route when the tour is on.

So, where did all these people come from all of a sudden. On the way back through Kitchener, very quiet on the big roads. There were still a few people queuing up to get into Bestbuy, yet most of the parking lots were empty. About 20% of the normal traffic in that area. Also pretty quiet along the main road back to Paris.

Perhaps one positive coming from this pandemic will be more attention to green spaces, more bike lanes, more pedestrian zones etc. A healthier population will also be better able to fight of viruses :)