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JRPGfan said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

There was nothing really big US could do. even if 100% of people stayed home, still you would get a huge number of infections and people dying.

Of course several governors and the president not supporting lockdown just made things worse, but based on what we can read from other countries, there is not much you can do except prepare to have the least number of deaths. Still death per 1M in US is half of several other european countries affected. Could this be less? Definitely, but I cant imagine it being less than 50% of what it is right now, if the number of deaths in US is correct.

The protests now though will impact people a lot in US specially poor people.

US is at 333 pr million atm.
Only countries over 600 atm in europe is basically Belgium.

UK, Sweden, Spain, Italy  are all in the 450-590 ish range though.
However apart from Sweden + UK, most other places in "europe" have beat down the coronavirus to very small numbers.
(ei. not so many new cases or deaths, pr capital)

Meanwhile the US never managed to get the virus down to these levels.
Also europe was hit like a month before the US with the virus outbreak.

So basically a month or two from now, things will look much worse in the US than basically most places in europe.
(in terms of cases pr million, and deaths pr million)

The data I access has US at 333, UK at 606, Spain at 610, Italy 560, France 433, Belgium 830, Sweden 445, etc. At least based on the numbers sent by the countries which can be misleading according to the country (some people even believe china's numbers).

In the end US will probably be in the ballpark of 450-600 just as the other European countries.

Yes it could be much much better as I said previously, but for several reasons it is a very difficult thing to do. People and media just dont accept it until they see the numbers rising and people close to them getting infected or dying.

Imagine US government trying to implement the same thing 4 weeks before, when the numbers of cases was very very low in US. Trump closing the borders 4 weeks before. It just wouldn't happen. You just have political support to do it once things get serious. 

It's something really difficult to do and I really don't judge the politicians this time as this is a catch 22. Again, I expect the western world can learn a lesson or two from it.