Trumpstyle said: A very interested study in Finland has been done. It shows that face mask don't work, they might actually have opposite effect or very marginal positive effect. "According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, "research suggests face coverings have minimal benefits" to protect health. But that's not all, its misuse may even increase risks, according to the report." "To date, unlike other governments, the Finnish authorities have neither recommended nor made the use of masks mandatory." This is funny, someone has to correct me if I'm wrong, but so far neither Denmark, Norway, Finland, Australia and New zealand is recommending or mandating face masks. But Germany are mandating face masks. We shall see if Germany can beat any of those countries. Imagine if vaccine is 5 years away and the people in Germany has been walking around in face masks for no reason all this time. |
First responders in Australia are required to wear a face mask.
The Public isn't mandated to wear one, but it is recommended to wear one.
The issue is that, the public doing a free-for-all scramble for face masks depleted face mask stores, which meant less available for the emergency services which are seen as an absolutely vital service that comes first.
So the message became that we needed to adhere to social distancing, stay the fuck home, avoid unnecessary travel and socializing, wash your hands for 20 seconds... With no mention of face masks.
Businesses were cleaning their checkouts, trollies and other surfaces and putting up barriers to protect customers as well.
But face masks does increase protection up to a point, it's an additional barrier.
At the moment the fire station has built up a cache of PPE like overalls, facemasks and gloves and the ambulance keeps pinching it as they keep running out, which means the fire station logistics officer needs to liaise with state to acquire some more for us... It's a tough situation because if the issue was to escalate, us firefighters were required to step in and man the ambulance vehicles, we can't do that if we don't have the appropriate PPE. - No one is going to drive an ambulance wearing PBI Gold.
Australia and New Zealand were successful because they reacted early, reacted swiftly and had contingency plans that were adhered to for such an event, the public also obeyed the health officials which means there weren't protests on the street where social distancing was ignored.
It also helped that our Governments were employing positive messaging that we were doing the right thing, what they have done and what the plan and outcome was going forward... Which is in stark contrast to the USA where Trump was laying the blame on everyone else whilst promoting the little actions they had done up to that point.
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