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The academic response to Covid-19 has been… poor. Less than 4% of all Covid-19 published papers to late May have been peer-reviewed primary research. Media consistently also reporting on questionable research to complicate matters. Unquestionably, way more primary research is needed on possible treatments (including chloroquine, considering the studies that made the WHO drop it were particularly garbage) and the most effective measures to control spread of the virus and when that might be obtained.

Also the reasons why it didn’t spread too much, or is spreading slowly, in certain places (AKA “immunological dark matter”), that might point out to a strong and as-of-yet unidentified cross-immunity between SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses with molecularly similar antibody binding sites (perhaps, but not necessarily, the closely related HCoV-OC43 and HCov-HKU1).