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The intelligence of this community sometimes baffles me. There are these alarmists threads with doom and gloom, FUD, and hysteria BLANKETED behind clever words. 

The problem the 360 and PS3 have is that they are both reaching for the SAME consumer.



Each console has its own strength-

The 360 has Live,

The PS3 has Bluray.

Those positives negate each other. So the next thing you have is games. 99% of games are multiplatform, and the exclusives 360 has can be offset by exclusives PS3 has- and taste in games - is just that, an opinion.

They are canceling each other out. If I was a betting man, I'd add both PS3 and 360 sales and than compare that number to the Wii. That would prove hardcore gaming isn't dead.


I still think a vast majority of people, even current 360 owners are waiting for a PS3 price drop. Somehow, even the most die hard 360 fan, will have a hard time resisting a 299.99 PS3, with free online, bluray, Little Big Planet, Final Fantasy, and God of War.

Same as a PS3 fan is having a hard tme resisting, Halo, Mass Effect, and Bioshock.

Console Agnostic since 2001.