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I never experienced "console wars" or splitted up gamer groups in school.

I had a C128 (mainly in C64 mode), many had C64s, some CPCs, some Atari 800s, some "Nintendos" (NES) and some "SEGAs" (Master System). Some had several systems, others none, but they were welcome to play with us at our homes. One day we played together on one system, the next day we played together on another system.

In the later school years, many of us had Amigas and SNES consoles, some had Atari STs or Sega MegaDrives and some were still happy with their 8-bit computers/consoles.

There were no "spec wars" or "game library wars" and even if someone felt that his system was superior, he was well advised to not show that to others. Gladly comparative advertisement ain't allowed in Germany, so the big companies can't incite gamers that easy against other gamers. And without internet we wern't even aware that fanboy wars were a thing in other countries.

Good old times... but with the spread of the internet since the later 1990's that changed to worse.
Fortunately I was out of school by then and could afford all gaming systems, so I didn't have to choose.