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Soo.. safe to say that the whole social distancing thing is over now? Lol..

Thousands (and perhaps hundreds of thousands) of "protestors" and rioters are burning half of America down to the ground as I speak. Oh but at least most are wearing masks! Smh..

Honesty, I'm having serious thoughts of fleeing this stupid country to Canada or Italy as soon as I get the means. Shit's in utter chaos and all our politicians and leaders do is point the finger at the other party, using them as their boogeymen so nothing ever gets done. Sorry to get off topic and go on a tangent but I'm legit scared and depressed about the absolute state of my nation and I have to vent somewhere..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden