World update. Main take away, graph just keeps getting longer.
The world keeps drifting upwards, slowly but no signs of stopping.
Europe and the USA switched places a while ago, both still going down.
The current gap is 204K cases between USA and Europe, down from 239K one week ago, 266K 2 weeks ago. USA is slowly catching up.
Reported deaths still have a bigger gap (percentage wise) 171K vs 102K. The USA passed 100K deaths yesterday.
The continents
North America has been outpacing Europe for a while and has become the leader in total cases today.
1.953M in North America vs 1.950M in Europe. North America can hit 2 million in 2 more days, Europe in 3 or maybe 4.
South America has the lead in daily reported cases
Asia passed the 1 million total cases yesterday, Oceania is below 10 cases a day.
3 day average reported cases in total: 96.2K (104.7% change week over week)
South America: 29.2K (30.4%)
North America: 25.1K (26.1%)
Asia: 21.9K (22.8%)
Europe: 15.6K (16.2%)
Africa: 4.3K (4.5%)
Oceania: 8 cases.
Different strategies
India added, steady growth.
The USA is still on top, Brazil is closing in.
Iran is slowing down again as well as Canada.
Japan has a slight uptick, same as South Korea.
Australia still sitting pretty below 10 cases a day.
China at the bottom, from what they tell us anyway.
Week over week changes
Despite the big spike in Brazil today, it's actually a smaller spike than a week ago (for now), growth is slowing down week over week.
India currently has the highest week over week change, 127% (doubling time of 20.5 days)
Iran peaked again, just dropped below the 100% week over week.
The USA and Canada are virtually tied at 92.2% (halving time of 60 days, not good enough)
Japan is doing the dance, little bit up, little bit down, mostly down.
A vaccine is likely the only way out of this. One gets it under control, next country gets big, etc.