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The state of anti-body testing in Canada:

BC: Those who participate in an online survey through the B.C. Centre for Disease Control can sign up for antibody testing using LIAISON, a test method now approved by Health Canada once it becomes available in the province. The province is collaborating with Health Canada to assess the accuracy and performance of COVID-19 antibody testing before making it available.

Alberta: According to Alberta Health Services (AHS), Alberta Precision Laboratories is in the final stages of validating multiple serology tests for COVID-19 antibodies. AHS said there is no timeline on when widespread antibody testing will be made available for Albertans, but an initial serological strategy could be in place by the end of May.

Saskatchewan: The provincial government is looking into the antibody testing approved by Health Canada, but Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said the test likely won’t be available to residents for weeks or even months.

Manitoba: Manitoba will participate in the federal random testing effort using the LIAISON test method over the next two years. It has not yet been determined who will participate, when the tests will be available and for whom.

Ontario: Ontario is helping fund CONCOR-1's clinical trial that will collect blood plasma from individuals who have recovered (only hospitalized patients) from COVID-19 to study its antibodies that may help fight the virus. A biomedical engineer at the University of Toronto says his team has also developed a synthetic antibody that could be ready for clinical trials in two months.

Quebec: Antibody studies are ongoing in Quebec, but health officials say more people infected with COVID-19 are needed as participants.

Nova Scotia: Halifax-based research company MedMira has developed a COVID-19 antibody test and is ready to begin surveillance programs. The test is currently under review by the FDA and EUA but has not been approved by Health Canada.

Prince Edward island: Antibody tests for people who have recovered from COVID-19 are being discussed in the province.

Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Yukon, Northwest territories, Nunavut:
There is currently no information on COVID-19 antibody testing in the province.

So basically nothing yet, except in Quebec there are some ongoing studies, although

A large Montreal health clinic has been offering unregulated coronavirus antibody tests at $195 each, CTV News has learned. This testing at Clinique Medic Elle is drawing harsh words from provincial and federal authorities, who are warning people to stay on guard about COVID-related health services they see advertised and check carefully whether they’re permitted. “The ministry denounces this kind of clinic and asks the public to avoid this type of operation,” wrote Marie-Louise Harvey, a spokeswoman for Quebec’s health ministry, in an email.

Divided we keep waiting together :/