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sethnintendo said:
Considering there have been numerous recalls of popular allergy and cholesterol medication I too would second guess anything big pharma is trying to shove down my throat. You guys go ahead and swallow all the pills your doctors were probably bribed into subscribing. Sometimes it is better to do a little research into side effects. I know they read them so fast on their television ads it might be hard to keep up.

"You guys go ahead and swallow all the pills your doctors were probably bribed into subscribing."

This is exactly why the health care system shouldn't be privatised and run like a business.
Corporate greed, can be dangerous when its centered around health. 
When its your own health, you dont want to be profit maximised, or recieve some medicine you only got because your doctor was bribed to recammend.

"Sometimes it is better to do a little research into side effects. I know they read them so fast on their television ads it might be hard to keep up."

You guys have ads on tv for medicine that mentions side effects in the ad itself? O_o'
That sounds super weird.