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It's mosquito time again, and while I know mosquitoes can't carry sars-cov-2, I was wondering if you can get infected by the blood when you swat one. Pretty often when you squash a mosquito you end up with a blood smear on your arm or leg, not necessarily all your blood, could very well be the blood of who ever the mosquito bit earlier.

Since Sars-cov-2 is a respiratory virus it doesn't bind with blood cells and infection only goes through ingestion, breathing it in or getting it in your eyes.
The binding sites for COVID-19 are located in the respiratory tract, especially the lower lung, and the digestive system.There is no evidence this new coronavirus targets blood cells, or even uses plasma to move around and invade other organs.

Of course there can be many other nasty things in infected blood, AIDS for example. Don't go licking up that mosquito blood smear from your arm!

Got a reply on my request for an anti body test

Thank you for contacting us. At the moment, the only tests that are being completed at the COVID-19 Assessment Centre is the nasopharyngeal swab. You would need to contact your Health Care provider regarding any additional tests that may be required.

I doubt our 80+ year old family doctor has any anti body tests and probably wants to stay far away from anything covid19 related :/
(As if the family doctors would have covid19 tests that the covid19 center doesn't have access to...)

Anyway, not available yet in Canada.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 23 May 2020