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Nate4Drake said:
Soundwave said:

The point is when you add DLSS into this mix, the Switch version would grow pretty close to indisquishable next to the PS4 version. 

For starters, you can actually render at an ever lower resolution than the Switch is now, go 640x360 undocked, and 540p docked say (right now its 540p undocked, 720p docked), but here's the big deal ... DLSS 2.0 can take an image rendered that low and scale it up to 720p/1080p/even 1440p no problem. 

So yeah it's a big deal. And DLSS 3.0 probably is going to be even better than that. Nintendo may be able to go down to some absurdly low resolutions like 320x240 (we're talking like N64 1990s resolution) and DLSS will reconstruct back up to 1080p quite possibly. 

So if Nvidia can give Nintendo the same gap that current Switch has to the PS4/XB1 that Switch 2 has to PS5 ... that gap shrinks considerably when you have to account for Switch 2 being able to render at insanely low resolutions and being able to get basically a "free" 720p-1080p undocked, 1440p-full 4K final image. 

A portable hardware will never come close to what XSX or even PS5 can offer if you consider the whole architecture, CPU GPU Ram and SSD.  You cannot have a cake and eat it. You want the most powerful Hardware ? It must be a true Home Console inside a big box, like XSX. You want a portable ? You will have an underpowered piece of Hardware like the Switch is. End of the story. 


There's nothing that special about the PS5 or XSX hardware. Nvidia's 2 year old Turing GPUs are as good if not better and their Ampere based 30-series this fall will blow both of those away. 

The current Switch is DLSS 2.0 was possible in 2015 would be basically very close to the XBox One in power straight up. 

394 GFLOPS to 1.2 TFLOPS yes, but then you have to factor in the Tegra X1 only needing the render 1/4-1/15th the pixel resolution and that gap shrinks very quickly. AMD also routinely claims a TFLOP number and routinely is outperformed by Nvidia GPUs that have lower TF performance as well, so take AMD's teraflop claims with a grain of salt. 

Even shit like SSD, whoopity doo, smartphones already have NVMe drives that are the same thing, Apple's iPhones have had this for 5 years already. UFS 3.1 which is going to be common in Android phones is 3GB/sec by the time Switch 2 is out UFS 4.0 likely is available which would be even faster than that.