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"CFR for the USA is 8.4% atm (Reported deaths today / reported cases May 1st)" - SvennoJ

I just looked at, under USA.
Closed Cases : 466,195 (cases closed with outcomes):
= 371,077 (80%) (recovered or discharged) + 95,118 (20%) (deaths)

"Where is that 0.7% coming from?" - SvennoJ

Boston: (~5mins+ into the video)
Anti body showed about ~9.9% of their 780,000 population had it.
551 deaths / 78,000 = 0.7%
Their "offical" confirmed cases, tested positive is like 11,000, but they suspect actual number that have had it is around ~78,000.

Theres been like 5-6 other places/countries were the same.
(in a area of spain with ~5% infected, their IFR was the same).
Im just to lazy to go look through that many old videos of his.

Even long ago, he suspected the IFR to be around 0,5% to 1%.
More and more, its looking like its atleast over 0.7%.

"It's all over the place, and that while a lot of deaths are still uncounted based on excess deaths.
Undetected cases, uncounted deaths. If 50% of deaths aren't counted, there should be at least 20x as many cases to get down to 0.7% IFR. Drawing any conclusions from anti body tests is pretty difficult with the variation in age demographics, how many nursing homes are hit and how well testing was done so far. The under reported number for one country could be completely different for the next." - SvennoJ

Valid point, and this goes for the IFR too.
Hes just takeing the deaths are face value, ignoreing that most places its heavily under counted.

I'd say John Campbell is a optimist.... but even if deaths are higher than reported numbers.
We atleast know that IFR cannot be any lower, than 0.7%.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 21 May 2020