I'll give an update about The Netherlands. Lately the number of new hospitalisations is barely visible on the charts they put out so I guess that's good. Raw numbers from today;
- Newly reported cases; 253
- Newly reported hospital admissions; 13
- Newly reported deaths; 27
Graph of hospital admissions, it's been low for the entire month now and dropped as fast as it rose.
Graph of deaths by date of occurrence, continuing its linear decline. It's waiting on the first day that there's no newly reported deaths.
Occupancy of Covid-19 patients in the ICU by date. A near uninterrupted decline since 7 April. There's also a single Dutch patient in a German ICU.
And some other data. The first graph is about the percentage of positive Covid-19 tests in patients. Now about 5-6% of conducted tests are positive, down from 30% at it's peak. As a sidenote though, at the peak only selected groups of people could be tested because of the shortage of tests. This has been expanded in the previous weeks. From next month on, everyone who wants to be tested is able to. This means in the last few weeks much more tests have been conducted than in the earlier stages. Last week over 32k tests were done, while in the week of the peak under 25k tests were done. In the week of 13 April to 19 April, over 40k tests were done.
Lastly because we were on the topic of excess deaths, a graphs of total deaths by month in the last three years. They've been keeping track of that in the same report. The yellow band is the long term average range. Most of the short but tall peak in 2020 is explained by Coronavirus deaths obviously, yet there's a total of a little under 3000 deaths unaccounted for. Unaccounted for as in; those weren't tested for the virus. I don't believe this means we have 3000 more Corona related deaths than has been reported though, since there's a similar peak 2018 mostly caused by just the regular flew. They've been suspiciously quiet about why 2018 has just as high an excess (lower peak, but lasted longer) death rate as 2020. Belgium has been counting all their untested excess deaths towards Covid-19 if I'm not mistaken it seems, and I believe they're actually over-counting. There has been some criticism towards their method of counting, but I'm not entirely sure, not all Belgium news makes it across the border.
So long story short. The lines go down, which is good.