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EricHiggin said:
SpokenTruth said:

Well which one do you think we'll have a greater chance at?

1). Bringing the economy back from this pandemic?

2). Bringing dead people back from this pandemic?

Bit of a trick/tricky question in a few ways, but for one, if the economy doesn't come back, then you can pretty much forget about bringing dead people back period, so it better be able to come back strong, if that's the point of course.

The question would be like asking, 'Which one would we have a better chance at? Saving people's lives from Covid 19, or keeping the economy quite strong?' The question to that answer is pretty obvious, yet that wasn't even up for debate because saving as many people as possible was seen as much more important. So really, is the question worth asking in the first place?

1) dead is dead, and not coming back, reguardless of how the economy is.

2) "it better be able to come back strong, if thats the point of course"  
The reason for the shutdowns, wasn't to "help the economy come back", but to safe lives.

3) "Which one would we have a better chance at? Saving people's lives from Covid 19, or keeping the economy quite strong"
They are both connected. You cant have a healthy economy if people are scared to go out, if they notice people dropping like flies.
Also their not equal. A economy can recover, a dead person wont be brougth back to life, lateron. 
The virus is gone now, its safe to come back to life!  Doesnt work like that.

EricHiggin said:
SpokenTruth said:

Doing nothing would have led to millions dying.  Why means the economy would have died too. 

Unfortunately I can't take that very seriously. So far the professionals educated guesses have been quite poor in this situation.

If team America, world police, did nothing about 911/terrorism, and does nothing going forward, where would we be exactly?

I don't know anyone who can reliably tell the future,
or who can guarantee a different specific past outcome if changes were made.

I think scientists have a pretty good idea now.

If you look at CFR, it varies from country to country (right now in the USA its at 20%, other places its lower).
However due to antibody tests, you can kinda get a idea of how many are actually infected, and compaire that to the deaths to get a idea of IFR (deaths per infected).

IFR is looking like its slightly above 0,7% (currently).
Various countries with antibody tests have come out with IFR numbers of so.

So we can know a possible "worst" case situation now.
We can know a "what if we did nothing and it just spread until ~70% for herd immunity.
(and our health care system didnt collapse)

Brazil is about a week or two away from hospital collapse (they say so themselves, atleast).
If that happends, its IFR will go from those ~0.7% and upto potentially 5% (john campbell estimate).
So its one too keep your eyes on, if their deaths start Sky rocketing up in a week or two, we'll start to get a picture of what happends if you went for the economy instead of saveing lives.