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Moren said:

Even if Biden wasn't making a singular concession or outreach to progressives (which he has, even The Intercept was impressed by the task force ), even if that was the case, voting against Trump should be enough.

The argument that Trump in itself is not enough is selfish. He has done innumerable things to hurt as many communities as he possibly could in a very short of time with just the executive powers. If that's not enough, then it was never about helping people.

You railed against Bernie and his policies all primary long full well knowing it would actually help poc and marginalized communities and it would have been way easier to unify under him. You have absolutely no ground to stand on. If you really wanted to help people you'd have vote Bernie or Warren or help push Biden left. Instead you hurl insults and vote shame others for not wanting poc to be taken for granted once again and then thrown to the side. It seems it was never about helping people.

Trump didn't invent bigotry and systematic racism, and it won't stop with him, it was put in place by both parties over the centuries and neither are going to cede real ground unless POC and working class people organize and work together and demand policies that'll help them thrive. This isn't a game, it's people's lives, it's my life and it's yours too.

A task force isn't M4A, a task force isn't going to save our country from the climate crisis, a task force isn't going to stop voter suppression. We must demand these things because it won't be given to us if we keep settling for crumbs.