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SvennoJ said:
SpokenTruth said:

I have Sweden listed as 24th in cases per 1 million population and 8th in deaths per 1 million population.

That's behind 17 European nations/territories for cases and 7 nation/territories for deaths.

Do you have data to dispute mine? I'd love move sources to average out my data if it's valid. We all know how important factual information and multiple sources can be given the situation. And the more good sources the better.  Even if it makes my charts take longer to develop.

For deaths per million, there are 2 unfortunate tiny countries which aren't much more than one small city wedged in between the worst hit areas in Europe.

San Marino, 41 deaths, 1209 per million (less than 34K total population, 530 per sq km)
Andorra, 51 deaths, 660 per million (77.2K total population, 164 per sq km)

Then you have Belgium high up, but also a lot more honest in counting deaths including all nursing home deaths. (Belgium only has a small difference between excess deaths and covid19 deaths)
Belgium, 9,150 deaths, 790 per million (11.6 million population, 377 per sq km)

And lastly the 4 juggernauts, worst hit countries in Europe
Spain, 27.8K deaths, 594 per million (46.8 million population, 91.4 per sq km)
Italy, 32.2K deaths, 532 per million (60.5 million population, 201 per sq km)
UK, 35.3K deaths, 521 per million (67.8 million population, 259 per sq km)
France, 28.0K deaths, 429 per million (65.3 million population, 117 per sq km)

Then comes Sweden
Sweden, 3,831 deaths, 380 per million (10.1 million population, 24 per sq km)

If you divide deaths per million by population density

1. Sweden 15.83
2. Spain 6.499
3. Andorra 4.024
4. France 3.667
5. Italy 2.647
6. San Marino 2.281
7. Belgium 2.095
8. UK 2.012

UK, despite doing the worst in Europe for raw numbers, is actually doing a lot better than Sweden taking population density into account.

Not a measure to favor my country at 4 people per sq km lol. 157 deaths per million, 39.25 Canada tops Sweden when measured like that.
Canada isn't doing a great job either with Ontario and Quebec.
Ontario, 1919 deaths, 132 per million (14.6 million population, 14 per sq km) 9.429 per million / population density
Quebec, 3647 deaths,  430 per million (8.49 million population, 8 per sq km) 53.73 per million / population density

Of course both Quebec and Ontario (and the whole of Canada) has huge empty spaces. Sweden probably does as well.

"If you divide deaths per million by population density"

But why.gif ?

I know population density effects how it spreads and how hard to contain it is....
but your useing that to "twist" deaths pr million, into something positive for the UK?

UK shouldn't get a "but if we also look at population density" score, to make things seem better for them.

They are MASSIVELY under reporting covid19 deaths.
They have a excess mortality of around 60,000, while reporting just 35,000 deaths to covid19.

So my 2 issues:
1) numbers reported from each of these countries arnt equally accurate (UKs is off by alot).
2) it doesnt make sense to me to "score" how a country does, by giveing them points for population density.


Trumpstyle said:
vivster said:

I'm using worldometer and I'm intentionally omitting countries with less than 1m population, because they have very misleading per capita numbers. I disregard case numbers completely, because they don't mean anything if countries aren't testing, which Sweden most certainly does not. Sweden is currently arount 57th in tests per capita, which means case numbers mean absolutely nothing. And considering how little they're testing it's safe to assume that they are also not catching a lot of deaths.

If you take that all and combine it with a population density and geographical location that most countries wish they had right now then it's easy to see that Sweden is doing terribly on a global scale.

Sometimes I can't tell if you are trolling or not. Look at our excess death and covid death, they align. There might be a very low undercounting. As for population density. Stockholm inner city (1million people) has same population density as Munich and far higher population density than Oslo, higher than copenhagen.

Anyway guys we might have several mysteries ongoing about this virus. I might make a post about it on Sunday.

As much as it bugs me to agree with Trumpstyle.
Hes right about their excess deaths and covid19 reported deaths.

And most of their cases are in stockholm were population density isnt that much lower than most other places in europe.