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Vote shaming is immature and irrational and anyone who does it or encourages that behavior is not acting in good faith and is simply stirring the pot and spreading toxicity. Pushing potential voters away by being insufferable and not inclusive is a recipe for disaster and is just plain wrong. If you have the time and privilege to vote shame someone, oppositely you have the time and privilege to actually effect change by pushing for better policies your candidate could adopt or you could phone bank or canvass.

If you disagree with someone's choice in a candidate you could simply state your side and why you decided to vote for you candidate and give positive examples to try and sway others to join you in your voting preference. Also you could give the other side things they could adopt to make it so you'll vote for them. For example: I've stated numerous times that I'd vote for Biden, despite everything else, if he supported M4A and bolder climate action because those things would have a direct and greatly positive impact on my community and for poor people and POC across the nation.

330 million people live in the U.S. and only 3.4% of them voted for Biden (about 11 mil.) I'd say that's hardly the will of the people. Especially when you factor in everything else like active voter suppression and the manufacturing of consent by the mainstream media and the obvious hurdle of the rich and powerful wanting to stay rich and powerful so they don't care at all whether disadvantaged people have their voices heard or die. The deck is very much stacked against the will of the people.