vivster on 19 May 2020
John2290 said: And it's not only anti-vaxxers either, it's almost every issue socially and politically. Middle aged white women, or as some like to call them MAWs, plus a mix of social media and clickbait old media are the culprits for the last decade of lunacy. It took a pandemic for the old media to finally start doing their job and uncover the damn truth. Keeping up with the Jones (and stupidity) has actually become a threat to humanity and our future. We need this pandemic and we need the hard times afterward or it could be a whole hell of a lot worse, this is just training cause the real danger is a critical mass of the population believing vaccination is bad and some of those vaccinated diseases going wild all at the same time. I thought I was going crazy the last few years, I even started changing my opinion on things cause I believed I was the old man going on about "back in my day" and that the rate of change in society had just sped up. Good to know that is only half true and the MAWs are patient zero of the insanity. |
Good thing is that we won't actually need a vaccine because it will just go away at some point.
Side note: Isn't it kinda sad that "college educated" means basically nothing in the US?
If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.