man-bear-pig said: End the mandatory lockdown. Now that the NHS capacity has increased capacity with the Nightingale hospitals it’s time the responsibility for people’s health was put into their own hands and if they wish to continue to self isolate then they can do so and those who want to get back to normality should be free to. The fact is that the average age of people dying with COVID-19 in the UK is higher than the average life expectancy and it hasn’t materialised as the once in a century event we thought it might be at the beginning. The economic damage from the ongoing lockdown has the potential to kill many more people than COVID-19 ever could |
UK is one of the worst when it comes to honest reporting of covid19 related deaths.
UK currently has near 60,000 excess deaths, since this whole Covid19 thing started.
Meanwhile its reported only ~35,000.
~60,000 more people than normal these last few months have died in the UK.
I doubt the economic damage will kill more than that in a few months in the UK.
"The fact is that the average age of people dying with COVID-19 in the UK is higher than the average life expectancy" - manbearpig
Yes 85% of deaths in the UK to covid19 are over 65 years old.
That still means ~15% were under 65.
I guess that means we should just "let" these people die, because they already had their turn/chance to live, time to die for the economy am I right?
" hasn’t materialised as the once in a century event we thought it might be at the beginning." - manbearpig
Deaths due to COVID-19 accounted for over a third of all deaths in England (currently).
Something thats currently killing every 3rd person thats dieing, is "something that hasnt materialised" thus its time to get on with life?
Also note this with them just counting upto ~35,000, when the real number is probably closer to 60,000.
" it’s time the responsibility for people’s health was put into their own hands and if they wish to continue to self isolate then they can do so and those who want to get back to normality should be free to. " - manbearpig
It takes 1 fool to bring down 1000's.
And lets be honest theres always going to be that 1 nut case, that ll ruin it for others.
Which is why you cant assume people will all just act responsibly.
Thats why they shut down, they know that action works, while doing otherwise doesnt.
UK still has too many new daily cases to just "go back to normal".
Even if it was just "50 new daily cases" pr day, the UK would still need some form of social distanceing in place to stop it from flareing up again.
Otherwise you risk a repeat (ei. a new shutdown) after a mass spread happends again.
(same is true for other nations as well)
The quickest route to getting economy up and running again, is to firmly suppress the virus.
UK isnt there yet.