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I built myself a new PC last year, and it runs fantastically, my only concern is attempting to predict if I will need to upgrade my storage or not.

I'm currently running a SATA SSD that pulls out about 400-500MB/s. I've noticed the improvement in game loading times when playing with my friend who uses a HDD. Because consoles always had HDD's games were always going to be designed with that in mind, and a lot of PC gamers also use huge HDD's to store all of their games on because it's much cheaper. 

Now that XSX is using a 2.4GB/s SSD (not including the PS5 because third party games will not require more than the XSX speed) I feel like in 2022 and onwards just like games have minimum RAM requirements, and GPU/CPU minimum requirements or the game can't be expected to work. I'm predicting 18-24 months from now we'll start to see games with SSD speed requirements for new AAA games and even Indie games that want to be more open and not waste time building in time wasting mechanics to hide loading.

My motherboard does support PCI Gen 3.0 which is perfectly capable of XSX speeds but I'm tempted to go for PCI Gen 4 next year to get an SSD around the 7GB/s range just so that if and when Sony does release PS5 first party titles to PC there won't be any issues in trying to run them.

Have you guys thought about this? Or do you think PC AAA games will be able to run on HDD's for the foreseeable future?

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'