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Pemalite said:
Hynad said:

I said when compared to PC. The SSD solution in the PS5 is unlike anything currently available for PC.

But the same argument can be leveraged the other way... That a RAID SSD array is unlike anything currently in a console.

Hynad said:

But you can't admit it and say you laugh at people who think that it's better than what's on PC. You have to bring a RAID setup to make PC look better, when the case is about one to one comparison, and I'm sure you know that. Yet here you are saying you laugh at people...

I laugh when people assert something as definitively as the *best* option on the market.

The PC is technically better if you want storage that is faster than the Playstation 5.
The PC is technically better if you want *more* storage from a single drive than the Playstation 5. (You aren't limited to only 825GB.)

So yes, I will laugh at people when they say that the 5.5GB/s of uncompressed bandwidth will beat anything the PC has to offer, because they hear a console manufacturer say so, because they couldn't possibly have a conflict of interest to sell hardware would they?

Hynad said:

You always do that. You always bring up the argument that if you throw 10k on a rig, you can trump anything. Well, no shit. That doesn't make PC SSDs better than what the PS5 brings to the table. It's like if, for example, a GPU in whatever console is better than anything currently on the market, but you'd say the best PC GPU is better because you can put two or more [of those weaker GPUs] together to beat that one GPU. It's completely disingenuous.

It's actually not.
You forget that an SSD functions on the bases that it takes lots of smaller memory chips and makes them "work together" in order to increase transfer rates... Very much the same concept as taking four SSD's and throwing them into RAID.

Taking four Phison PCI-E 4.0 SSD's and throwing them in raid will beat the Playstation 5's SSD by orders of magnitude. Fact.

Taking two GPU's that are identical to the Playstation 5's GPU and putting them into crossfire will result in superior performance. Fact.

If price is not a factor, like I have mentioned prior... The PC is technically superior. Fact.

That doesn't make it disingenuous, I have been *very* transparent that if price isn't a factor, then PC SSD's in RAID will beat the Playstation 5's SSD, price however is an entirely different discussion and in a black and white comparison, consoles certainly have the edge.

Those are the facts, that isn't being disingenuous, I am being upfront and honest.

What is it about 1-1 comparison that you don't understand?

You keep doing it.

And you laugh whenever PC can't be the end all of everything for any reason. Compare the single SSD solution of the PS5 to a single SSD solution in PCs, instead of being disingenuous.