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There is a lot of variation between testing and counting cases and deaths. Trends are a bit more reliable yet also often disturbed by changing and fixing the counts. So take all the graphs with a grain of salt.

Continent comparisons

North America still (barely) outpacing Europe, yet Mexico is likely under reporting. NA is currently at 29.5% of daily reported cases.
Europe is still slowly heading down despite Russia now almost representing half of Europe's daily cases. Europe is at 27.4% of daily reported cases.
Asia is steadily climbing up again (Ramadan effect?). Asia represents 23.4% of daily reported cases.
South America also climbing steadily, adding 18.3% of daily reported cases.
Africa with its spotty testing is also heading up, now representing 3.7% of daily reported cases.
Oceania (pretty much just Australia and New Zealand) has it under control, 0.017% of daily reported cases.

It all adds up to keeping the world count steady at average 87K new cases each day and 4,700 new deaths each day.